Topline Metrics

Take the pulse of your organization at a glance. Even the most basic data has a compelling story to tell. Within minutes you can begin to understand:

  • Frequent meetings.
  • Common organizers.
  • Meeting participation.
  • Overall cost.

..and more!

As an individual user, many calendaring platforms give you the ability to look at this data for your own calendar. However, Meeting Metrix surfaces this data in a way that let’s you look top-down and across your entire organization.

What about groups?

We learn about group memberships by using the group assignments that are already defined in your calendar provider like Google Workspace or Office 365. No need to re-create these groups in our platform and worrying about keeping them in sync. You’ve already done that work, let’s re-use it.

So all our data can be viewed at the individual level, by group, or across the whole organization. Drill up. Drill down. Drill all around!

Start for Free!

Meeting Metrix takes minutes to setup and all plans include a free 14-day trial. Why wait?

Frequently Asked Questions

Meeting Metrix levarages data stored in your calendar platform. We extract this data from the backend so your users don’t need to change what they are doing. You configure the access for our platform and within minutes, data starts flowing into the tool.
We currently support Google Workspace and Office 365 (Outlook).
No. We only require, and insist upon, read-only access.
No. Meeting Metrix is not a free service and, as such, your data is your data. We don’t sell it to anyone.
Yes. MeetingMeetix was built by a team of seasoned technology professionals well versed in running highly secure, highly available, SaaS platforms. Data is encrypted at REST and in transit in addition to host of other measures you would expect from an enterprise grade SaaS platform.